Tough fishing

Just to prove that fishing is not always easy even for an experienced angler chasing what should be easy to catch perch. Over the weekend the rainstorm that broke our hot spell produced some very good fishing. Saturday on Megunticook Lake in Camden before the rain started was excellent with lots of bass coming to the boat including several good sized specimens. Sunday it poured but the fishing even in the rain was very good and it was one of those times that it seemed like only the bigger fish were feeding. A good number of large bass came to the boat and a couple of bigger ones unhooked themselves before arriving at the side of the boat.

Monday was a family perch fishing trip and I was expecting that it would be a snap after the success I had experienced over the weekend. Wrong again! I simply could not find a school of perch in any of my usual places. After moving a bunch and trying to get on the little smallmouth bass so the kids would catch something. I was able to locate a school of perch and everyone caught a bunch. As usual the best part was being able to see the fish congregate around the bait and then all rush in to grab it!

The parents of the young boys were great about the slow fishing early on. Telling me that this was actually better because they did not want the boys to think it was too easy. It was not easy but we were successful and the morning flew by!

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Charlie,I could not find your brand but am trying a couple of others. You should see what it makes smallmouth bass do to streamer flies. Another trick in my tackle box that is for sure.Thanks for showing me how it is done!Best,Don

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