New twist on a boat launch

The rain on Friday fell heavily and I knew that it made the Saint George rise quickly but got quite a surprise this morning on arrival at the boat launch on Megunticook Lake in Camden. The parking lot was almost completely covered with water! I had arranged to meet my client at his rental cottage on the lake so I had to launch. I was able to pull into the parking area and launch the boat into the flooded parking lot.

I picked up my client on his dock and we had a good morning of fishing bringing several bass (both largemouth and smallmouth) to the boat. As we finished the trip the wind began to pick up out of the northeast but luckily no more rain. Given that the lake had risen a couple of feet and the water temperature dropped significantly I was very pleased with the fishing.

Putting the boat back on the trailer in the flooded parking lot must have been quite a sight, several cars stopped to watch. I realized afterwards that I should have asked someone to take a picture. It was one of those times when I appreciate how well suited the 20 foot Lund Alaskan is to what I do. It had been dry to ride in over the open areas of the lake, moved easily with the trolling motor through the shallows and along the shore while fishing. I was able to put it on the trailer in an odd spot easily at the end of the trip, alone in a stiff breeze. A tall order for any boat let alone one of that size.

We saw several pairs of loons on the lake, well away from nesting areas. I assume that their nests have all been covered with water and that we have lost most if not all of the loon chicks for this year to the rising water levels.

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