Great variety

No not just in the trips I have guided this week. Although I have done a number of different trips in the last several days, salt water fishing to canoeing. Rather how conditions can be different even in a short period of time.

This morning I had a family fishing on Megunticook Lake in Camden after having been there last evening. Both fathers wanted to fish with their kids and I was pleased to be able to pick them up at their respective docks. Kind of unusual for me to have two of the same trips back to back but I digress.

Breaking one of my own rules I fished over some of the same structure twice in less than a day. I normally like to rest a place or stretch of shoreline at least a couple of days. At any rate we did well enough on the first trip nothing out of the ordinary but this morning a bass that I Six pound largemouth bassweighed at six pounds came into the boat from an overhanging limb that I know my clients had cast to the evening before.

Earlier this week I had been out mackerel fishing with two different families. On the first trip I rode to one of the popular seal haul out ledges and did not see a single one. Twenty four hours later and we counted over twenty. Tide almost exactly the same foggier the second morning to be sure but aside from that conditions the same to my eye.

Over all of this is the weather which provides its own variety. The family that I had on a canoe trip this week on a perfect afternoon with sunshine and white puffy clouds had their trip cancelled because of thunderstorms a year ago. So you might think that what I do would get routine after a while and you would be wrong. I deal with amazing variety almost every day!

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