Great time of year!

This fall’s foliage seems to be better than I remember. It is interesting though to be in two regions of the state separated by a little better than 200 miles and see the differences. I travelled home from Libby Camps this weekend for a little rest and relaxation. (Actually to clear out my mailbox and the top of my desk in the office) At any rate the foliage here on the coast lags the North Country by a week or so in my estimation. I expect that Friday’s wind and rain brought down many of the leaves in and near T8 R9 and the peak foliage has just passed. Still very pretty but beginning to show patches of November.
I drove home Friday evening through all of the rain and fog and when I awoke on Saturday the color in Union is not quite at the peak yet with some pretty significant areas of green still. I would guess this week or next weekend will be the peak here in the mid coast. I am guiding at Libby’s again this week and am enjoying being out with the dogs every day and spending time in more remote country. Every now and then it strikes me that I am in a really remote place that most folks will never see let alone know like I do through repeated visits.
Mae my older pointer has really matured into an excellent grouse and woodcock dog while Copper is still the young dog that I remember Mae being only a few years ago. With two pointing dogs to hunt over the retriever is seeing even less time hunting than in past years. I am going to make an effort to better balance their time out this week.

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