
I know it has been over a week with no blog post. Sorry about that! I’ve been busy, which got me to thinking about how fortunate I am. Over the last 25 years my job (if you can call it that) has evolved to the point where I am amazed. Many days are spent fishing or exploring some part of the mid coast with folks who really appreciate how beautiful the place is and who remind me regularly. Of course I respond with “just another day at the office” or “welcome to my cubicle” but really I appreciate being reminded. In the fall grouse hunting becomes part of the mix and I get to spend time in truly remote country at a great sporting camp, again with many who appreciate where they are and how unique it is.

Then there are the clients, to a person interesting folks from all over the world who share my interest in and appreciation of the Maine’s outdoors. Of course I wear another hat as the Executive Director of the Maine Professional Guides Association providing me the opportunity to participate in policy discussions that impact the future of the outdoors all of us love and are fortunate enough to earn at least part of our livings from. Does everyone agree on how or what? Of course not; but to be able to represent 1000 of some of the most competent folks in the Maine woods is quite an honor. Oh the places I go!

All of this makes for a challenging schedule at times but I would be reluctant to trade with anyone! I know that it is early for Thanksgiving talk but realize that I am truly fortunate!

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